He who gets wisdom loves his own soul...Proverbs 19:8.
I remember the
days of YoLo! You know how someone starts an idea and, before you know it,
Everyone has bought into it. For example, someone started the LoL (Laughing Out
Loud). Now, it is all over the cyber world. I use it here occasionally too.
What is funnier
is that people even use it in real life. Like really? I would speak and you
would say lol, and there was I very certain you were not really laughing out
loud. That is why many criticise the use, claiming it has been adulterated. It
no longer holds much meaning, at least according to them.
Some people even
tried bringing out what is not out of it. Maybe you have got the message
claiming LoL is a devilish attempt to make us start worshipping him, lol!
According to them, Lol means ‘Lucifer Our Lord’. *Laughing*. I countered that
though, trust me, and asked why it could not mean ‘Lord of Lords’ then. That
is, afterall, Godly. So, Amigos, let us lol as much as we want… when right.
However, there
is another that indeed has another meaning that we should seriously pay
attention to, and that is YoLo! I do not know how it started, but all I saw was
that I woke up one day and saw it all over Twitter. The World has not been the
same since, lol.
What Does YOLO mean?
Yolo means ‘You
Only Live Once’. As far as I am concerned, YOLO did not start in the 21st
Century. The Holy Bible says, “It has been given unto Man to Live Once…” So, I
would call that its history. Hey, Twitter started earlier too, you know. After
all, Jesus Christ said, “Follow me”. But I digress.
YOLO actually is
inspirational. Many people have drawn lots of courage from the fact that they
have one life to live, and they had better make the best use of it. I am one of
these people, happily. I want to believe you are too.
You could dare
to do more. You take Calculated Risks, knowing you only have one shot at Life. You
tend to stop delaying things. You stop putting off important projects. When the
realisation that we only live once overshadows the fear of the unknown, we tend
to put our all into living great – Living the FantaFab Life.
What about
Reincarnation? After all, there are reports of those who got a second chance. Well,
those who are lucky to have that would not even remember how the previous
lifetime went. And then, there is no guarantee that we could be so privileged,
and the probability is maybe about one in a million. Even a lottery is surer.
So, why not Live The Best we could now and make Impact?
That is one
Angle of it and, as you might have expected, there is another. There are people
who, on the Pretext of YOLO, overdo things. These are people who fail to look
before they leap. Or maybe they looked, saw something wrong, and yet went for
it still. Why wouldn’t they? After all, we only live once, and no one is guaranteed
a comeback.
So, they charge
without thought, maybe get the first move going well, then they misstep and,
Bam! They get hit. They get fried time and again; getting so burnt they are
toast eventually. This also is another Angle, and valid it is.
Before I give my
Recommendation, let us explore the Secret part of YOLO.
I once watched a
video on YouTube a long time ago that brought about a big readdressing to the
way I think when YOLO comes to mind. I can not recall the name, but if I see it
I sure recognise it from the start. The Music Genre should be Electric or so
though, in case you want to go search for it. And I think a crew of four sang
it. Great Video!
When the video
starts, the theme is of people living as they please and having fun, crazy fun.
They were having the time of their lives, doing some really daring things. And
they were indeed having fun. It might be crazy all right, but it is fun. That
is all that matters, doesn’t it?
But then,
Something Changed. Things started going awry, like really awry. Those things
they were enjoying started enjoying them in retaliation, lol. It was really
startling. I did not expect it. I mean, YOLO is supposed to mean You Only Live
Once. We should be shown how sweet that should be, right?
However, the
video ended with another meaning to YoLo. And it changed my perception for
‘You Oughta Look Out!’
I oughta look out? I am supposed to live like
there is no tomorrow, make the most out of it, dare to dare, take risks and
all; yet I should out again? What for? And for who or what should I look out? A
lot of questions, and now here is the answer:
Everything in Life requires Balance. This is
something I have always stressed and I would continue to do so. There are so
much good things we could get involved in. Life is so much fun when lived to
the fullest. But Balance is required.
It is so important to understand that. There
is a way to have fun that does not put us and things we love in too much of
risks. I see people getting carried away when things are so rosy, and it is not
so surprising to see these same people carried away by the tides of the
We must be fully alert at all times, as we do
not control everything in life. This does not mean you should stop being
Optimism, and suddenly throw on the gown of Pessimism. No, far from it. This is
about being more realistic. This is about not closing our eyes to other
impending things that are not so good.
The fact that things could go well does not
erase the fact that we sometimes have to put in our bests to avert any evil
that might want to destroy the good feelings we get from much deserved fun and
success. Life is so much fun for the wise.
This verse from the Holy Bible clearly means
the soul must be preserved by wisdom, and so is everything we hold dear. Fun
all the way, but always wisely.
You Only Live Once…
You Oughta Look Out!

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The Hidden Yolo | A Tour of the road less walked

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