On 9ice's Wedding Day, And The Marriage After...

Aloha, Amigo!
How has the day been? The day has been cool around here. I just applied some Lavender Fragrance in the office some minutes ago. Now couple that with the Quotidian operation of the Air Conditioner, and you should be able to imagine the kind of atmosphere I'm in right now. Man, Life is good….
White walls are beautiful, you would agree with me. Not the whitewashed ones o. I'm talking about that kind of wall with than exceptional kind of plaster, painted with that Fabulous kind of Paint. (That gave me an idea- I could start a paint factory. Start producing “Fabulous Paints.” You should invest now while the offer is up. And, yes, you should buy the paints too. Don’t worry; you can buy it for future use.)
So, white walls make a lot of sense. Same goes for most white things. Not all, but most. And there is nothing racist here. White makes you think of White House, White Horse( Very expensive, I must add), White Weddings… And that’s where we are going: Weddings.
I remember when our man, 9ice, sang that song- Wedding Day. You know…

On our wedding day,
Ma gbe’su lena, maa f’ona roka
[I would prepare a lot of foods…]”
True, 9ice later got married to his heartthrob, Toni Payne. A lot was spent on the wedding at it was as he promised. We could then call you Mr 9ice, right? But the story changed: 9ice released another song, “Once Bitten, Twice shy.”
You’re good looking but your ways are so wicked;
You keep pushing me to the wall…”
Yes, she apparently did. Because their marriage crashed in a bitter divorce.
What went wrong was, 9ice prepared for his wedding, not his marriage. This is common everywhere today. People tend to invest in how the wedding is going to turn out: The venue, the guests, the Clothings, and all that.
However, the main thing, which is the marriage after the wedding, is usually not well considered. That's why there are many divorces today. Things change in marriage, and that's a fact. You would have pleasures in marriage, but accompanying that are the pressures. And we must be ready for them.
How, then, do we get prepared? Remember to:
*Read Books by those who are successful in it, and learn how they do it.
*Read Books by those who have failed, and learn from their mistakes.
*Attend Marriage Seminars.
*Consult Wise Elders.
*Build your Character.
These are just few of many ways we can prepare, but they are very important. Let's learn from them.
It is well.
That's about that for now. Subscribe to stay updated, and Drop your Comments, for us to learn from. Feel free to drop your Questions too. Till we meet again...
Aku Cinta Kamu, Amigo.